Ecommerce Order Fulfilment: The Complete Guide to Outsourcing Your Fulfilment Needs

order fulfilment for ecommerce
In this complete guide to ecommerce order fulfilment, we'll explain why outsourcing your order fulfilment process to fulfilment centres makes sense and walk you through the steps of finding, vetting, and hiring a fulfilment partner

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Are you a growing ecommerce business frustrated with the tedious daily tasks of order fulfilment? Do you feel like you’re spending too much time worrying about the intricacies of getting your customer’s product from Point A to Point B? If so, you’re not alone! Outsourcing order fulfilment to fulfilment services is a great option for businesses looking to reduce costs, including shipping costs, streamline operations, and improve customer satisfaction.

In this complete guide to ecommerce order fulfilment, we’ll explain why outsourcing your order fulfilment process to fulfilment centres makes sense and walk you through the steps of finding, vetting, and hiring a fulfilment partner that meets your needs and budget. We’ll also discuss ways to improve your operation’s efficiency within a fulfilment centre and ensure your customers receive their orders on time, every time. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get ready to learn how to simplify your order fulfilment process and ramp up your ecommerce store’s operation!

Quick Recap of Key Points

Ecommerce order fulfilment is the process of receiving customer orders, managing product inventory, packaging, and shipping products to customers. Different businesses may have different strategies and processes in place depending on their size and customer base, especially when choosing between fulfilment centres or in-house solutions.

order fulfillment for ecommerce

What is Order Fulfilment for Ecommerce?

Order fulfilment for ecommerce is the process of receiving, warehousing, packaging, and shipping products to customers, usually after an online purchase. It involves the warehousing, order tracking, and customer service components of a successful business. Depending on the size and complexity of an ecommerce operation, successful order fulfilment can be achieved through running in-house operations or outsourcing to a third-party provider that specialises in these services.

On one hand, handling order fulfilment in-house by employing and training warehouse staff may provide you with control over every stage of the entire process, allowing you to customise processes and procedures to meet the unique needs of your business. On the other hand, outsourcing to a fulfilment centre can provide you with access to sophisticated facilities and industry-leading technology that would likely cost more than even the most skilled employees could handle by themselves. Additionally, using a third-party logistics (3PL) provider offers benefits such as increased scalability and improved efficiency, especially when managing large volumes of orders.

Evidence shows that if done right, outsourcing order fulfilment to fulfilment services can help improve customer satisfaction and provide great computing power that isn’t available in-house. By utilising data analytics software which provides real-time insights into stock levels, inventory accuracy, and accounting information, warehouses at fulfilment centres are able to predict future performance trends in order to optimise operations. This can lead to reduced operational costs from overstocking and fewer lost sales from out-of-stocks.

No matter what route you decide to take for your ecommerce order fulfilment needs, it’s important to be aware of the benefits and drawbacks associated with each option before making a decision. In either case, there are certain strategies that must be employed in order to achieve successful outcomes for your business. With this knowledge in place, transitioning towards tackling how roles & responsibilities need to be divided within warehouses is essential for success.

Top Highlights

In order to successfully fulfil ecommerce orders, businesses must decide whether they would like to handle it in-house or outsource the process to specialised order fulfilment services.Managing ecommerce fulfilment processes in-house provides more control over the order fulfilment process but third-party logistics providers offer more advanced technology and scalability. Evidence shows that when implemented correctly, outsourcing to a competent order fulfilment service can improve customer satisfaction, provide data insights, and reduce operational costs, including shipping rates. There is no one size fits all solution for order fulfilment–business owners and brands must understand the benefits and drawbacks of both options in order to make an informed decision.

The Role of a Warehouse

A warehouse is an essential part of any ecommerce order fulfilment process. The purpose of a warehouse is to provide a secure and organised environment for storing products and materials until they are shipped out to customers. Warehouses typically employ staff that are responsible for receiving, storing, picking, packing, and shipping orders. In addition, they may provide additional services such as kitting and assembling of orders before they are shipped out, as a part of their fulfilment service offering.

When selecting a warehouse for your ecommerce fulfilment needs, it is important to consider the type of facilities required based on the types and scope of the products you will be shipping. Many warehouses specialise in specific industries or product sizes and types. For instance, a jewellery warehouse might focus solely on the storage and shipping of delicate items while an apparel warehouse would be adept at handling bulk orders of clothing.

Overall, warehouses play an integral role in fulfilling customer orders. They need to have flexible systems in place to ensure quick turnaround times while also being able to accommodate custom requests and special orders with ease. Equally important is having proper processes in place so that incorrect items don’t get shipped out, as this can lead to costly returns down the line.

Having a warehouse in place provides many benefits when it comes to order fulfilment, especially since outsourcing order fulfilment services can often lead to substantial cost savings. The right warehouse can help streamline the entire order fulfilment process – with all steps from receiving goods to shipping out orders being taken care of by the same provider. As such, the next section will discuss how an experienced and reliable ecommerce order fulfilment service can help reduce costs while simultaneously improving your customer satisfaction levels.

Benefits of Order Fulfilment Services

Order fulfilment services are an attractive option for businesses and brands that are seeking to expand their capacity and streamline their operations without a large upfront investment. The benefits of these services extend far beyond simple cost savings; they can create an opportunity to improve customer service, streamline ordering and tracking processes, reduce shipping errors, and provide additional resources to businesses during periods of peak demand.

One of the primary advantages of order fulfilment services is that businesses are able to offload much of their inventory management processes onto experienced professionals. Rather than having to maintain a fully-fledged warehouse and staff to manage physical storage and shipment activities, businesses can leave these tasks in the hands of experienced third-party fulfilment companies. This can free up limited financial and personnel resources, giving businesses the ability to focus on other aspects such as marketing, product development, customer service, or expanding sales channels, while enjoying competitive shipping rates offered by the fulfilment service.

The task of picking, packing, shipping, and tracking orders typically involves significant overhead expenses when done in-house, especially for businesses experiencing growth. In comparison, most order fulfilment companies specialise in all of these tasks, allowing people to access such services at substantially lower prices than an in-house solution would provide. With the help of order fulfilment services like Amazon FBA (fulfilment by Amazon), businesses, including retail stores and individual sellers, are able to reduce their costs yet still maintain high levels of efficiency and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, by outsourcing this type of work, businesses also benefit from being able to access better technology and streamline their fulfilment process than they would otherwise be able to afford with an in-house solution.

It’s important to note that there are risks associated with outsourcing order fulfilment as well as potential benefits; businesses should always research any potential fulfilment partners carefully before committing. However, if a business decides that outsourcing order fulfilment is the right move for them, then the potential rewards may easily outweigh any potential risks.

Balancing the need for quick deliveries with cost constraints is a major challenge for many ecommerce companies – but outsourcing to an experienced order fulfilment company may just be the edge that a business needs to succeed. By leveraging the expertise of a professional third-party provider, organisations have a proven way to reduce costs while improving efficiency and enhancing customer satisfaction simultaneously. In the next section, we will look at what strategies businesses can employ to ensure they get the most out of their order fulfilment services while minimising overhead costs.

Reduce Costs and Improve Efficiency

When considering outsourcing ecommerce order fulfilment, it is essential to think about costs and efficiency. Though the upfront costs for order fulfilment services can be steep, many businesses find that the long-term dividends substantially outweigh the costs. Furthermore, when choosing a reputable and reliable order fulfilment partner, businesses often gain access to streamlined technologies that are specifically designed for fulfilment processes, boosting efficiency.

On one hand, warehouses are generally able to process orders faster and more accurately than many small businesses can on their own. Automated systems automatically separate orders into individual shipments while advanced analytics allow workers to quickly identify what needs to be pulled from storage in large-scale operations. On the other hand, companies must balance these savings against the cost of labour and other resources that are inherent with outsourcing.

Given current market dynamics, many businesses are finding that working with a fulfilment partner can reduce their costs significantly without sacrificing efficiency or service quality. For example, Amazon Fulfilment Services offers competitive rates for peak seasonal shipping volumes. Additionally, during the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been an increased demand for order fulfilment options, but few warehouses have space readily available for additional clients. As a result, smaller ecommerce businesses without warehouses on hand are now able to compete with larger distribution centres due to the availability of flexible outsource solutions.

Fortunately, the rise of automation and consolidation has made it possible for companies to cut down on expenses related to labour and resources like storage space while simultaneously speeding up turnaround times and keeping track of customer data more efficiently than ever before.By evaluating potential partners thoroughly and considering factors like location, service areas, and volume capacity, companies may be able to reap cost savings while enjoying greater customer satisfaction through improved delivery times and fewer errors. Streamlining order fulfilment processes and tailoring them according to customer experience can lead to enhanced loyalty and increased bottom-line results.

With a better understanding of how cost reduction and improved efficiency are intertwined with order fulfilment services, businesses can make informed decisions regarding which company is right for them as they navigate the next step in their supply chain journey: types of order fulfilment companies and services. Equipping themselves with the right tools like inventory management software, and setting up organised systems like labelling and categorising boxes can go a long way in optimising order fulfilment processes.

order fulfillment for ecommerce

Types of Order Fulfilment Companies and Services

Order fulfilment is an integral part of any successful ecommerce business. With today’s cost constraints and efficiency demands, outsourcing order fulfilment needs can be a great way to go for businesses looking to increase their competitive edge. When considering order fulfilment companies, there are two main types that may be of benefit – third-party logistics providers (3PLs) and warehouse marketplaces (WMMs).

Third-party logistics providers are typically larger, well established companies with flexible services that can be tailored to your specific needs. 3PLs usually offer many value added services such as pick and pack, cross docking, inventory tracking, returns processing and more. The downside to 3PLs is the cost associated with them; they may charge extra fees like high setup costs, long-term contracts and high minimums.

In comparison, warehouse marketplaces are more affordable and accessible for smaller businesses. WMMs will post job openings on their site and assign them to independent contractors who have experience in that area of order fulfilment. Although WMMs generally provide lower quality assurance standards and do not tend to offer specialised services such as those provided by 3PLs, the cost savings associated with their services can be well worth it for small businesses or startups on a budget.

Regardless of which type of order fulfilment company you choose to use, it’s important to take into account the costs, services offered and customer service features when making your decision. Invoice transparency is immensely important – no matter which option you choose – so be sure to get all the details before signing any contracts or agreements. Now that you know the different types of order fulfilment companies available, let’s look at transportation options available for getting your product to customers quickly and cost effectively.

  • According to Statista, US e-commerce sales are expected to exceed $789 billion in 2020.
  • A report released by BigCommerce found that shoppers prefer 3 day shipping over other delivery options when shopping online.
  • A survey by BluJay Solutions showed that 98% of retailers are using multiple warehouses in order to better facilitate their order fulfilment services.

Carrier and Transportation Options

When it comes to deciding what type of order fulfilment company and services to use, carrier and transportation options are an important factor. It is important to consider the variety of different carriers that are available for you to use. While using one main go-to carrier may seem like a simpler approach from a cost-perspective, utilising multiple carriers can prove beneficial in terms of improved delivery times and access to more customers. By leveraging a range of carriers and taking advantage of each of their individual shipping policies, you can create faster, more comprehensive delivery solutions without needing to sacrifice quality or cost.

While using multiple carriers can be beneficial for certain businesses, others may find that sticking with one primary carrier satisfies all of their needs. In either case, assessing the carriers’ location, service areas, and ability to handle the volume of your order fulfilment requirements is crucial in making a well-informed decision to optimise your logistics strategies. Working with one major carrier may provide faster turnaround times since they will already be aware of your company’s policies and procedures. Additionally, some larger carriers may offer incentives and rewards programmes which can save money over the long-term.

The decision ultimately comes down to weighing out the pros and cons between costs versus customer requirements. When deciding between multiple or single carrier options, companies must decide how best to meet their end-users demands while still keeping prices relatively low. Evaluating providers based on price, customer needs, package speed, scalability, availability, tracking capabilities and customer service should allow you to develop an efficient order fulfilment strategy.

From here it is necessary for business owners to take the time to evaluate potential order fulfilment providers thoroughly before settling on one company. The process should involve assessing the cost efficiency offered by each provider as well as any additional services that could be useful in streamlining their operations further. It is now time for businesses to begin researching their different providers in order to determine which option is the most effective for them moving forward.

order fulfillment for ecommerce

Evaluating Different Order Fulfilment Providers

When it comes to evaluating different order fulfilment providers, there are several factors that should be taken into account. The most important being the quality of service offered and pricing structure, as well any extra services they offer. It is also important to consider the speed and reliability of your shipping partner so you can ensure orders arrive at their intended destination on time and in good condition.

It is essential to compare different providers and understand the specific services each company provides before making a decision. There are many different types of fulfilment services to consider, from handling customer service to warehousing, transportation and packaging solutions. Each provider will offer different levels of service, so it’s important to access their online reviews or ask around to get an idea of how reliable they are. You want to make sure you are working with someone who understands your business’s needs and values customer satisfaction.

In addition to researching the provider itself, it’s also important to check out customer references or look into case studies of how other businesses have used the provider’s services successfully. This type of research will help provide insight on how the provider operates and enable you to gauge whether they would be the right fit for your needs. It’s also wise to understand what kind of resources the vendor has available in terms of technology, personnel, capacity, inventory control systems and reporting capabilities – all of which can significantly impact the quality of service received.

Evaluating different order fulfilment providers is essential when outsourcing your needs in order to ensure you get a high-quality end product that meets your standards and expectations, at a price that fits within your budget. Now that you have a better understanding of carrier and transportation options as well as how to evaluate providers, it’s time to decide which order fulfilment service is best for you.

How to Choose the Right Order Fulfilment Service

Choosing the right order fulfilment service is essential to having a successful ecommerce business. Once an evaluation has been done on different order fulfilment providers, the next step is to determine which provider best meets your needs. It is important to choose a reliable partner who can help your business become and stay successful.

The main considerations when choosing an order fulfilment service are price, customer service, scalability, and turnaround time. When comparing prices between providers, be sure to evaluate the features included with each option carefully. Some services may offer lower basic fees, but extra fees for additional features may end up costing more in the long run than options that include those features in the base fee. In addition, inquire about discounts or promotions that certain services may offer year-round or at special times of the year such as during peak season.

In terms of customer service and support, it is important to select a provider with knowledgeable staff who are quick to respond to customers’ concerns and provide solutions quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, check if the provider offers resources such as tutorials or educational materials to help guide customers through common issues they may encounter with the order fulfilment process.

Scalability should also be taken into account when evaluating different services. Be sure to choose a service that can easily grow with your business, as orders increase over time. While some providers charge extra fees for increasing order numbers during peak season, others offer packages that include flexible rates so you don’t have to worry about incurring extra costs during certain times of the year.

Finally, consider the turnaround time for orders when making your selection. If you deal with products that require expedited shipping or need same-day delivery, make sure the service you select has capabilities such as express shipping or last-mile delivery options available. Finding a provider who can handle these types of orders quickly and efficiently can save you time and money while keeping your customers loyal and engaged with your brand.

Overall, choosing the right order fulfilment service requires careful consideration and research in order to ensure that you select a reliable option that best meets your needs without breaking the bank. With all these factors taken into account, you can rest assured that your ecommerce business will be well prepared for success!

order fulfillment for ecommerce

Responses to Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common challenges associated with ecommerce order fulfilment?

The most common challenges associated with ecommerce order fulfilment are:

  1. Keeping inventory accurately updated in multiple channels including web and marketplaces. This can become especially challenging when inventory needs to be managed across multiple warehouses and locations.
  2. Packaging orders for a variety of shipment options (domestic & international, standard & expedited, etc). Fulfilment services need to ensure the right items are packaged correctly for the intended shipment method, with attention paid to weight and dimensions of packages.
  3. Ensuring timely shipping of orders in order to meet customer expectations. Ecommerce businesses must stay on top of their shipments so they arrive as promised on time (or earlier).
  4. Tracking and tracing orders across multiple carriers. Having visibility into where orders are throughout the entire delivery process is important for delivering an effective customer service experience.
  5. Enhancing customer service with value-added services like same day delivery, subscriptions, and flexible returns policies. Innovative services like these require careful planning and coordination between the ecommerce business and their fulfilment partners in order to deliver seamless experiences for customers.

What tips can help improve the efficiency of ecommerce order fulfilment?

  1. Develop an efficient inventory management system: The first step to improving the efficiency of ecommerce order fulfilment is to develop a streamlined inventory management system. This will ensure that the right products are easily located and quickly retrieved for orders. It should also account for product levels, expiry dates, and stock levels so that you don’t run out of a product unexpectedly.
  2. Leverage technology such as automation, ERP & WMS systems: Automation has become increasingly important in the ecommerce order fulfilment industry today. Automation can reduce errors while increasing accuracy and speed of items being shipped out, helping companies offer higher service levels and faster delivery times. Additionally, enterprise resource planning (ERP) and warehouse management systems (WMS) are useful when it comes to forecasting demand, optimising inventory replenishment, tracking shipments and more.
  3. Outsource your fulfilment operations: To improve the efficiency of ecommerce order fulfilment further, consider outsourcing all or part of your operations. Companies are taking advantage of third-party logistics providers (3PLs) to help manage their ecommerce order fulfilment needs more cost-effectively and efficiently by having experienced resources handle these services and reduce the burden on an internal team.
  4. Prioritise customer service: Finally, prioritise customer service when it comes to ecommerce order fulfilment. Develop a clear understanding of customer expectations for expected delivery times, packaging requirements, follow-up emails and more to create a seamless experience on each transaction. This can help foster relationships with customers leading to better loyalty and repeat business in the future.

What are the steps in the ecommerce order fulfilment process?

The ecommerce order fulfilment process consists of several steps that must be completed in order for orders to be successfully fulfilled.

  1. Prepare products: Before sending out any orders, they must first be prepared properly. This includes safely and securely packaging each item, ensuring that there are enough items available to fulfil the order and providing any other necessary product preparation.
  2. Process orders: After the items have been prepared, they must then be processed. Depending on the store’s platform, this can involve manually entering the order information into a system, or it could be automated using APIs or plugins.
  3. Pick and pack: Once the orders have been processed, they then need to be picked and packed for shipment. This involves selecting the correct items for each order from inventory and packing them in appropriate packaging to ensure safe delivery.
  4. Shipment: After the orders have been picked and packed, they need to be shipped to their intended destination – whether that’s an individual customer or a business partner. This can be done either through traditional shipping methods such as post or courier services, or more innovative solutions such as drone delivery services.
  5. Track shipment: In order to ensure delivery accuracy and visibility of any potential problems during transit, it’s important to track shipments throughout their journey until they arrive at their intended destination.
  6. Provide customer service: Customer service is essential for the success of any ecommerce business, so it’s important to ensure that customers receive timely updates regarding their order status, as well as being able to access support should anything go wrong with their order fulfilment process.


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